Other Organisations & Links


We hope you find these helpful resources and links for you. [Although a listing does not necessarily convey formal endorsement by either the PCC or clergy] 


Charities with links to our building or that we regularly support: 

The Children's Society

Vauxhall Foodbank


Christian Aid

Coat of Hopes


Prayer, Retreats, Worship:

Pray As You Go

Daily Hope Phone Line

Third Order, Society of St Francis

The Prayer Book Society

Mucknall Abbey (Retreats)

Corrymeela Community

Iona Community

Northumbria Community


Religious or Consecrated Life:

Single Consecrated Life

Society of St Francis

Anglican Religious Life



St Anne and All Saints Church: Students

Student Christian Movement (SCM)

Other links:

Diocese of Southwark

Bible Society

Heart Edge

Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals 

Inclusive Church  














Photo: Museums Victoria on Unsplash

St Anne and All Saints

 1 Miles Street

London, SW8 1GY

Mother of God of Clemency (detail)   
© Yvonne Bell
reproduced by permission


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© St Anne & All Saints Church